*Black-naped Monarch Hypothymis azurea
Fairly common and widespread in low and mid elevation forest in all three national parks visited, as high up as the Tongoa area in Lore Lindu NP. Greater numbers in Tangkoko NP, darker on belly than SE Asian birds.

*Rusty-bellied Fantail Rhipidura teysmanni
Fairly common in the Anaso Rd/Lake Tambing area; a sighting of this species often signaled the arrival of a feeding flock.


*Citrine Flycatcher Culicicapa helianthea
Moderately common in mid to high elevation forest in Lore Lindu NP. Not as strictly confined to the high altitudes as most of the other similar species in that area. Quite common in the Kamarora area as well as Anaso/Lake Tambing area.


*Yellow-flanked Whistler Hylocitrea bonensis
Nice to see this rather odd looking whistler which looked rather different from the illustrations in Coates & Bishop. Only four birds seen - a pair and two adult males, always associated with feeding flocks and feeding fairly high up in the mid storey. All in the Anaso/Lake Tambing area.

*Yellow-vented Whistler Pachycephala sulfuriventer
Fairly common in mid to high elevation forest in Lore Lindu NP, from Kamarora up to Anaso; has a variety of calls


*White-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus
Common and widespread in most timbered habitats from montane forest. Greatest numbers around the swampland and rice fields in the Toraut area.

*Ivory-backed Woodswallow Artamus monachus
Smart looking bird; widespread in low numbers in mid and high altitude forest seen in all three national parks visited. Not nearly as conspicuous as White-breasted. Greater numbers in the Toraut area, Matayangan Rd and Tambun area in Bogani Nani Wartabone NP, with up to 20 birds seen in a day.


*Short-tailed Starling Aplonis minor
Several flocks in mid altitude forest in the Dongi Dongi area; seen in the scope to confirm the identification - the bill and head shapebeing the most obvious featurs to separate it from Asian Glossy Starling

*Asian Glossy Starling Aplonis panayensis
Good numbers at lower altitudes in the Toraut - Kosinggolan area, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP.

*Sulawesi Crested Myna Basilornis celebensis
Some nice views of this lovely bird. Generally scarce but on one occasion near Kamarora HQ around 20 birds were feeding in fruiting trees; others seen in Lore Lindu NP at Dongi Dongi and a few along the Matayangan Rd, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP area.

*White-necked Myna Streptocitta albicollis
Distinctive black and white myna with a long tail. Fairly common and widespread in low and mid altitude forest, seen in all three national parks although scarce at Tangkoko. Highest numbers (c20) in mid altitude forest around Tongoa and Dongi Dongi, Lore Lindu NP and along Matayangan Rd, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP.

*Fiery-browed Starling Enodes erythrophris
This very attractive bird is quite common at high altitude in the Anaso Rd/Lake Tambing area, Lore Lindu NP. Flocks around Lake Tambing.

*Grosbeak Starling Scissirostrum dubium
Common and widespread in low and mid altitude forest; recorded in all three national parks visited although not as numerous in Lore Lindu NP as the other two national parks.


*Lesser Sulawesi Honeyeater Myza celebensis
Small mixed flock of Lesser and Greater Sulawesi Honeyeaters near Lake Tambing turn-off and others at several localities higher up along the Anaso Rd, in Lore Lindu.

*Greater Sulawesi Honeyater Myza sarasinorum
A few lower down near Lake Tambing and along the main Rd and a few at the very top of the Anaso Rd, Lore Lindu NP. Strangely, the ones at the top of Anaso Rd looked darker and had a larger white patch than those seen back towards Lake Tambing. Perhaps in all the excitement we became a little confused!

*Sulawesi Myzomela Myzomela ochloroptera
#Split from Scarlet Honeyeater (Clements 1991)
Quite a few at high altitude along the Anaso Rd but also a few seen lower down near Kamarora HQ, all in Lore Lindu NP


*Brown-throated Sunbird Anthreptes malacensis
Fairly common and widespread in low and mid altitudes along forest edges and regrowth in all three national parks but not so common in Lore Lindu NP

*Black Sunbird Nectarinia aspasia
A smart bird when seen in good light; seen regularly in low numbers, mainly in the Toraut, Tambun and Matayangan area, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP. Just a few in the other national parks. Seen in low to mid elevations along forest edge regrowth

*Olive-backed Sunbird Nectarinia jugularis
Widespread in low numbers in lower to mid elevations in forest edge regrowth and mangroves. Seen in all three national parks visited.

*Crimson Sunbird Aethopyga siparaja
Just a few seen in low to mid elevations at Kamarora in Lore Lindu NP and Toraut and Matayangan Rd, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP. A stunning bird when seen well.


*Yellow-sided Flowerpecker Dicaeum aureolimbatum
Widespread in low numbers in low to mid elevation forest and regrowth; recorded in all three national parks visited.

*Crimson-crowned Flowerpecker Dicaeum nehrkorni
Quite scarce, a couple seen briefly along the Anaso Rd, then just when some of us had thought we had missed it, a nice adult male turned up at Kamarora. Apparently the species is not strictly confined to montane forest.

*Grey-sided Flowerpecker Dicaeum celebicum
Fairly common and widespread in low and mid altitude forest seen in all three national parks visited, seen on most days of the tour. Common around Kamarora, Lore Lindu NP


*Mountain White-eye Zosterops montanus
Moderately common at high altitude in the Anaso/Lake Tambing area

*Lemon-bellied White-eye Zosterops chloris
Patchy distribution in low to mid elevation shrub and regrowth, mainly seen en route to and around Kamarora, a few Matyangan Rd, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP.

*Black-fronted White-eye Zosterops atrfrons
Common and widespread in low, mid and high elevation forest; seen on most days of the tour.

*Streak-headed Dark-eye Lophozosterops squamiceps
Moderately common in the montane forest at Anaso Rd and Lake Tambing


*Tree Sparrow Passer montanus
Fairly common around areas of habitation in all areas visited


*Black-faced Munia Lonchura molucca
Several groups encountered en route from Palu to Kamarora; a few seen most days in the Kamarora area, Lore Lindu NP. A pretty bird.

*Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata
Several groups between Palu and Kamarora and a few at the latter locality in Lore Lindu NP. More attractive than the ferals in Australia.

*Chestnut Munia Lonchura malacca
Handsome bird; fairly common and widespread around rice fields and scrub en route to Kamarora; en route to and in the Toraut area, and a few at Tangkoko NP

*Pale-headed Munia Lonchura pallida
Around 50 in scrub along a dry creek between Palu and Kamarora


*Mountain Serin Serinus esterae
Scarce, two birds only seen briefly, half way up the Anso Rd, Lore Lindu NP

Coates B.J & Bishop K.D. 1997, A Guide to the Birds of Wallacea, Dove Publications Pty Ltd, Australia

Forshaw J.M. & Cooper W.T. 1973, Parrots of the World, Lansdowne Press, Australia

Luijendijl, TJC 1997 Bird observations in Sulawesi & Halmahera in July/August 1997, Holland, published privately.

Taxonomy follows Coates and Bishop (1997) except for the two species indicated with a # which follow Clements, Birds of the World: A Check List 1991






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