*Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker Picoides temminckii
Not a common bird; only seen at three localities in mid to high elevation in Lore Lindu NP. Appears more common at high elevations but possibly just easier to see there. Heard calling at Tangkoko NP, so does occur at low elevations.

*Ashy Woodpecker Mulleripicus fulvus
What a great bird! A few seen in all three national parks visited, in low to mid elevation forest. Rather shy and not all that easy to see. Two males having a territorial dispute, playing peek-a boo around a tree at Toraut, was amusing. Pair at what was thought to be a nest hole in Tangkoko NP.


*Pacific Swallow Hirundo tahitica
Common and widespread in open areas at low to mid elevation


*Caerulean Cuckoo-shrike Coracina temminckii
Moderately common at high elevation around Lake Tambing and Anaso Rd; often with mixed feeding flocks; up to eight seen in a day. One seen at mid elevation along the Waterfall Trail at Kamarora HQ. Quite a large Cuckoo-shrike

*White-rumped Cuckoo-shrike Coracina leucopygia
Only at sea level; quite a few along the coast trail at Tangkoko; around the mangroves at Molas,, Manado and on Bunaken Island

*Pygmy Cuckoo-shrike Coracina abbotti
Pairs seen on three occasions with mixed feeding flocks in the Lake Tambing area and along Anaso Rd, only at high elevation. A cute bird.

*Sulawesi Cicadabird Coracina morio
Moderately common and widespread; seen in all three national parks in low to mid elevation forest. Mainly males seen, only a few females.

*Sulawesi Triller Lalage leucopygialis
Quite a few seen in low to mid elevations, usually in clearings or regrowth; seen in Tangkoko, Toraut and Matayangan Rd, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP; and in mangroves in the Molas area, Manado.

*White-shouldered Triller Lalage sueurii
A few seen in the Kamarora and Dongi Dongi areas, Lore Lindu NP.


*Sooty-headed Bulbul Pycnonotus aurigaster
Fairly good numbers in mangroves around Molas, Manado; and along the coast trail, Tangkoko NP; not seen elsewhere


*Sulawesi Drongo Dicrurus montanus
Just a few up high along Anaso Rd and Lake Tambing area; quite a bit smaller than the Hair-crested

*Hair-crested Drongo Dicrurus hottentotus
Common and widespread in low and mid altitude forest; recorded in all three national parks visited. Seen as high as Dongi Dongi in Lore Lindu NP but not seen as high as the Anaso Rd area


*Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis
Fairly common and widespread in low and mid altitude forest; recorded in all three national parks visited. Greatest numbers in the Toraut and Matayangan Rd areas, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP, and at Kamarora, Lore Lindu NP


*Slender-billed Crow Corvus enca
Widespread in small numbers in open areas at low altitudes, greatest numbers on Bunaken and Mantehagi Islands; not seen at higher altitudes.

*Piping Crow Corvus validus
A most spectacular looking Corvid with a great call; quite a few seen in mid altitude forest at Kamarora, Tongoa and Dongi Dongi areas - all in Lore Lindu NP.


*Sulawesi Babbler Trichastoma celebense
Rather a plain looking bird but with a beautiful thrush-like song. It often seems that the plainer the bird the better the song. Widespread in low numbers in low, mid and high elevation forest in all three national parks visited. Usually in pairs and rather shy.

*Malia Malia grata
One of the best endemics in Sulawesi. Such as unusual looking bird with a big bill and long legs. The way they feed and move rapidly from tree to tree while making outrageous calls is great - such character. Reasonably shy and not easy to get a good look at; mostly seen in mid storey but will also go down low. Quite a few groups seen in the Anaso Rd/Lake Tambing area in Lore Lindu NP.


*Great Shortwing Heinrichia calligyna
Seen to almost everyone's satisfaction along the Anaso Rd, at the top; and another pair half way down; another three or four calling. Apparently quite common in that area but shy and difficult to see.

*Sulawesi Thrush Cataponera turdoides
One bird only, seen well in mid-storey with a mixed feeding flock in the Lake Tambing area, Lore Lindu NP. A rather shy, large and unusual looking thrush feeding higher up than expected; the bill and legs more reddish than illustrated in Coates and Bishop. Nice pickup by one of the troops.


*Flyeater Gerygone sulphurea
Apparently occurs at all altitudes, seen in the mangroves at Molas, Manado and at high altitude forest along the Anaso Rd, also elsewhere in Lore Lindu. Not seen at Tangkoko NP or Bogani Nani Wartabone NP.


*Chestnut-backed Bush-Warbler Bradypterus castaneus
A great little bird but not easy to see; several pairs seen and a few others heard along the Anaso Rd. Finally seen to everyone's satisfaction after some effort. Keeps very low to the ground.

*Clamorous Reed Warbler Acrocephalas stentoreus
One bird seen briefly in reeds in the Kosinggolan reservoir, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP.

*Mountain Tailorbird Orthotomus cuculatus
Fairly common at high altitude along Anaso Rd/Lake Tambing area; cute little bird with a pretty song

*Sulawesi Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus sarasinorum
Not as common as the previous species but still quite numerous along Anaso Rd/Lake Tambing area. Perhaps not as distinctively marked as in Coates and Bishop


*Golden-headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis
A few in the Tangkoko NP and the Toraut area, Bogani Nani Wartabone NP


*Sulawesi Flycatcher Muscicapa sp. nov.
A pair in regrowth forest in the Dongi Dongi area, flycatching from treetops; and another single in similar habitat seen near Kamarora HQ, Lore Lindu NP; all seen well in scope. Seemingly a bird of mid elevation forest.

*Inland Verditer Flycatcher Eumyias panayensis
Moderately common at higher altitude along Anaso Rd/Lake Tambing area; quite an attractive bird

*Snowy-browed Flycatcher Ficedula hyperythra
One pair only in the Lake Tambing area, Lore Lindu NP

*Rufous-throated Flycatcher Ficedula rufigula
At least three birds seen well, along the Waterfall trail, Kamarora, Lore Lindu NP. Our only recording.

*Little Pied Flycatcher Ficedula westermanni
A stunning little bird seen on several occasions along Anaso Rd/Lake Tambing area, often associated with feeding flocks.

*Blue-fronted Flycatcher Cyornis hoevelli
Three birds only, in the Anaso Rd/Lake Tambing area, Lore Lindu NP.

*Sulawesi Blue Flycatcher Cyornis omissus
#Split from Mangrove Blue Flycatcher (Clements 1991)
Only seen on the Rd in the Tongoa - Dongi Dongi area in the dawn period. Comes on to road when still quite dark and exhibits some eyeshine. Assumedly has fairly good night vision. This aspect of its behavior is similar to the Bassian and Russet-tailed Thrushes of Australia.


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